Welcome to Soden Bowl! We have created an experience here that rewards active players from within the Soden Bowl community. We have put together a list of in-game upgrades based on a virtual currency know as “Soden Bowl Points” or “SBP.” We track SBP two ways, the first is your current SBP total and the other is how many SBP you have obtained over the course of your career at Soden Bowl. When you elect to purchase an upgrade on the SB Marketplace, the listed SBP will be deducted from the current SBP but your lifetime total will not be effected.
The list of available SB Marketplace items will change during the course of a Madden cycle. This is because some things inside the game can be a bit over powered and somethings could be weaker. We try to equal the gameplay and potential issues that may result from offering various player and team edits using the SB Marketplace.
Your career here at Soden Bowl is tracked in a SB Leaderboard that displays the current team and Free Agent users or users waiting for a team. These SBP points are tracked and updated once a week based on your activity or potential winnings from within the community. Here is a listing of the basic SBP award structure:
1) Playing a Soden Bowl game on time: +25 SBP
2) Commenting on a Official Soden Bowl Social Media Post: +25 SBP
3) Participating in a Live show on Facebook or Youtube: +100 SBP
4) Winning a seasonal award: +1,000 to +5,000 SBP
5) Broadcast on a Live show as a Game of the Week: +1,000 SBP
6) Produce or perform a live show: +1500 SBP
7) Author a story on the website: +1000 SBP
8) Create a professional highlight and post it in the chat: +100 SBP
9) Create a Twitter Team Post: +100 SBP
1) Support Issue resolved against you: -1000 SBP
2) Not showing up for a scheduled game: -1000 SBP
3) Missing a game, unless on vacation or time off: -25 SBP
If you have any questions please watch the following video produced during Madden 19.